Business analysis
Theoretical base and creating methodologies
- Designing and developing tools to determine the company’s needs.
- Organizing interviews with department heads and top management.
- Studying, reviewing and analyzing documents, facts and figures.
- Reviewing existing tools and practices and proposing changes – if necessary – to improve performance.
- Developing and conducting an analysis of workflows to find difficulties in achieving goals.
- Creating and initiating a better strategy, proposing new solutions to improve performance and achieve higher goals.
- Analysis and verification of proposals and real needs for future projects.
- Developing logistics to build a database to serve company objectives.
- Determining critical points and initiating measures to overcome them.
- Reviewing statistics, assessments and case studies and their transformation into usable data to serve company objectives.
- Motivation of departments in achieving the targets set.
- Analyzing and documenting business processes, functionalities and business needs.
- Preparing periodic reports on project plans, status, progress, risks, time and resources.
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