Business consultancy
Marketing research
- Evaluating the market and identifying new opportunities.
- Evaluating sales and the marketing plan with recommendations for amendments, if necessary.
- Managing and monitoring the effectiveness of projects, based on the marketing plan.
- Work with departments in preparing budgets, offering performance efficiency advice.
- Managing the effective implementation of marketing plans and proper positioning of the products in the market.
Workflow strategies
- Developing a methodology for the optimal functioning of departments and providing the necessary support.
- Researching the flow of processes conducted in various departments and recommending strategy changes to improve the business.
- Organizing and scheduling meetings and preparing process quality reports.
- Preparing reports on project status and controlled management of changes that may occur in different processes.
- Helping teams to analyze business performance requirements and their implementation.
- Analysis of all issues, risk analysis to mitigate any negative effects.
- Developing and maintaining effective communication with all departments and with third parties.
- Carrying out tests on the project to ensure compliance with all requirements of quality and performance.
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